Creative Writing – Final work

For my final project of creative writing I was assigned to write a 5 to 7 pages long story. The requirements were:

  • At least one or two characters
  • It had to have a narrator and the dialogue was up to us
  • It had to have a beginning, a middle, and an end. (The end could be “opened”, wihtou a specific closure)
  • The theme was completely free

I came up with several ideas right away but I notice I gained some difficulty writing in portuguese, which made me really sad because I loved to write. Since my last year in england, my portuguese got a lot worse…

After 2 drafts of 2 completely different stories I spoke with the teacher that told me they were too complex andconfusing. He told me that I had to come up with something simple, that didn’t have to tave a deep message.

Since I had really few classes of this subject it was impossible to sit again with the teacher and talk about my story.

I ended up writing about a family trip of a girl that’s on a wheelchair. I describe all the situations and points of view of someone who’s on a wheelchair on a rather funny way. At the end, I make a small note to the reader that basically say that though I am describing it with humor, there’s a lot of people who aren’t lucky enough to live and move without a wheelchair.


I am not especifically proud of the story I wrote. I think I could have done something much much better and due to lack of time and organization I didn’t. Being better organized is something I have to get better at and if I write a little something everyday (in portuguese) it will gradually help my writing… I guess.


For the work presentation, the teacher said that we had to tell our story in a creative way, not just tell it. I decided to make some illustrations of my story!

My story’s space is in Rome and since the main character is on a wheelchair, I illustrated some turistic landscapes of Rome. For the same turistic place I have 2 illustrations, one in colour, that represents what people that are sanding see and the other one, in black and white to show what the main character was seeing at that time.

Here they are:


I’ve had fun making these and I think it was a pretty funny idea, so for that I am proud!

This half of the module is over and we’ll now learn how to write a script for our story 🙂

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