FMP – Tutorial with Helen

Today I had another quick tutorial with Helen. It was really helpful. Helen suggested I would do extra details of plasticine like several eyes, beaks and the legs so I could make the bird walk. Given the fact that in the original model the legs are not strong enough to hold and balance the body. With these details, I can zoom in on my animation and make everything neater. So that is what I did right after Helen left:

Eye making (time-lapse)

Beak making ( time-lapse)


The final list given to me by Helen had the several points and goals for this week:

  • Storyboarding
  • voice recording
  • set design making
  • Next week: animate ( book studio with Adrien )
  • Refining details on model
  • Try detail shots – foot to add movement, extra beaks and eyes
  • Look artists/ animators + backdrops

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