Vox Pop Project – Sound practice

This semester I am taking a Sound module in which we learn how to capture sound (with microphones and recorders) and how to edit it (with protools).

We had a project briefing that consisted on making a Vox Pop. A Vox Pop is a short audio exercise used by a lot of radios all over the world. There is an interviewer asking the same questions to a lot of different people and at the end he mounts them together!

First of all, we had to find a theme in order to come up with the question we wanted to ask. Then we learned how to work with professional recorders.


My main question was « what is your main goal in life? what is your role in the world? ». After I got my recorder from uni I spent the whole day asking people those questions and came up with about 30 or 40 answers. It wasn’t easy due to the windy weather but I tried to always put my back against the wind and the recorder in front of me. It was a good exercise because I had to deal with a lot of people and some are shy or don’t have the time or simply don’t want to answer. At home, after listening to all my answers. I chose the ones that were usable. I also thought about the soundFx that I wanted to include and got them at freesound.com

After this stage, the next step was to record my questions and my radio opening on a studio. At uni we have access to the studios and with Francisco Dias, a colleague of mine, we recorded our questions, radio opening and closing. I don’t really like how my voice sounds but I made an effort to do everything I could with this project so I would feel how it’s like to be in the different positions.

I drove my scooty to uni and started editing!! First I had to arrange and cut my voice recordings. I did the same for every other recording of the answers. There was a moment where I had to think which meaning or which type of vox pop I wanted. My questions were rather serious but the answers I got weren’t as deep as one would expect so I decided to go with a comic vox pop.

Some sound FX were added and I managed to make an effect with a recorded voice with the help of this video!

At the end I was happy with the outcome and learned a lot more about sound editing and capture!

Here is my Vox Pop so you can listen 🙂

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