Right now I want to focus a bit on learning a 3D animation software. I want to discover if I actually like working on 3D sotftwares. Most of them are really complicated so it will be a challenge. I made a research in order to choose the best software I should start with.
Here is the link where I based my decision on. They have the 2018 top list of 3D softwares and explain their features functions and level of learning.
I made a small selection first:
- Maya – Best for modelling, really complex software but really powerful tool. (Only free trial for a limited amount of time and then it is payed. A lot)
- Hudini
- Cinema 4D – Combines well with after effects which I am learning so it is really handy
- Blender – FREE software, good for beginners, excellent to see if 3D is for me.
Ultimately, my plan is to try blender and know how to manover it. If I like 3D I believe Maya is a really good investment. All the big studios in the US use it.
Here are some of the features of the website!
Hopefully, in the future, I will be able to do things like this:
4 pensamentos em “Animation Softwares”
Isso é que tem sido DESCOBRIR um mundo novo e sem fim!!!!
Que bom 😊🤗!
Siim!! Muito ansiosa para o que aí vem!